Become a member
Take advantage of exclusive member benefits, world class events, networking and specialist support
Automate UK membership is shaped around your business, with three agile divisions devoted to your industry - PPMA, BARA and UKIVA. All share the integrity, vision and ambition to help you grow through automation.
Forged through years of experience, this collaboration of specialist trade associations provides greater support for you and your team.
Through PPMA, BARA and UKIVA, we host a series of world class events, bringing our industries and members to the fore. Combined with high-end speaker programmes, our pro-active and pragmatic approach to running conferences and shows offers members added benefits, and a tangible return on investment.
Hundreds of members are already represented by the Automate UK Group of Associations. Join our collaborative organisation and you too can reap the benefits of belonging to a future-orientated network.
PPMA is the trusted voice for those operating within the processing and packaging industry
This specialist-interest focus group communicates the interests and necessity of British robotics.
Abbreviated as UKIVA, the UK Industrial Vision Association was founded in 1992 at the dawn of the machine vision industry.