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Developing and promoting the use of industrial robots and automation.

Integrator certification

Officially launched in April 2019, the A3 / BARA Robot Integrators’ Certification Scheme is the benchmark to evaluate UK robot integrators’ technical knowledge and safety practices.

The scheme was born out of the need to standardise integrators’ quality and workmanship, as well as recognise effective safety controls to help give companies a competitive edge.

BARA has partnered with A3 Robotics to agree on a collaborative framework to pioneer the certification scheme in the UK. A3 is North America’s largest automation trade association representing more than 1,100 organizations involved in:

  • Robotics
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine vision and imaging
  • Motion control and motors and;
  • Related automation technologies

You can apply to have your operating procedures independently verified by an approved A3 / BARA auditor. This includes rigorous onsite testing to ensure that designated robot integrators have the appropriate knowledge and capability to carry out an integration.

Upon gaining certification, you will be eligible to use the A3 / BARA accreditation logo on your company literature to promote best practices. Recertification is required every two years.