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Supporting your processing and packaging business for over 30 years.


Join PPMA today and enjoy exclusive member benefits.

There are two types of membership schemes with Automate UK, as follows:

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To help our members sell more products and services.

That means you benefit from our full commitment to providing members-only opportunities to grow your business and reach new markets.

Choose the membership that's right for your business.

NB. As a Full or Affiliate member of the PPMA Group of Associations, you are also entitled to become members of BARA (British Automation and Robot Association) and/or UKIVA (UK Industrial Vision Association) at no extra cost.

Both types of membership give you a range of benefits:

Cost savings on stands at PPMA shows

Our annual PPMA Show provides you with the opportunity to showcase your equipment and services to thousands of key decision-makers. Our next PPMA Show has been scheduled to run at the NEC, Birmingham, from 26-28 September 2023.

Exposure through PPMA print and online publications, including:

  • PPMA Machinery Directory: By listing your company under the relevant categories in the directory, it provides your business with a strong presence in the processing and packaging industry's key reference publication, which is distributed annually to 4,000 end users.
  • Our Machinery Finder Service: Buyers use our online Machinery Finder to search for equipment and services by sector and category, which makes your business easy to find.
  • Editorial and advertising in Machinery Update magazine: Our bi-monthly industry-leading magazine is posted to 9,000 technicians, buyers and specifiers, and to a further 36,000 online. It helps your business to reach your target audience.

Business and sales relationships with over 550 PPMA group members

As a vibrant membership organisation, the PPMA runs an annual programme of free events and meetings, as well as Chairman's lunches, which include business seminars. As a result, members have excellent opportunities to network throughout the year.

The annual PPMA group industry awards dinner

Our Awards dinner is a key date in the PPMA calendar. It serves to recognise and commend the achievements of PPMA member companies. This is accompanied by a three course dinner and headlining entertainment.

Savings on business services

As a PPMA member, you have access to free and discounted business services, including recruitment, technical support, insurance, legal services and training.

Technical and legal updates

PPMA members receive discounts on training courses on topics such as CE marking for health, security and environmental certification, WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) directives on electronic equipment disposal and EMC (electromagnetic compatibility).

Access to government grants for overseas exhibitions

As an approved Accredited Trade Organisation (ATO) and a participant in the UK Government's Trade Challenge Partner (TCP) scheme, we can obtain grants for selected overseas trade shows and support members in international trade.

Associated support

Our affiliate partner membership with Make UK – The Manufacturers’ Organisation – provides access to high-level public affairs’ activities from which to influence the UK Government. As a PPMA member, you can become a FREE affiliate member of Make UK too.

Full membership adds:

Significantly greater cost savings on stands at PPMA shows at the NEC. Full members pay £272 per square metre (instead of £395 for non-members). The cost for Affiliate members is £335.

As a Full or Affiliate member of the PPMA Group of Associations, you are also entitled to become members of BARA (British Automation and Robot Association) and/or UKIVA (UK Industrial Vision Association).

Membership criteria

Full membership

Full membership of the PPMA is open to companies engaged in the manufacture or supply of processing or packaging equipment and which satisfy the conditions of entry. These have been set by the Association to help ensure that PPMA membership carries with it a guarantee of commitment to service and quality.

To be eligible for membership, a company must be able to show that it has been trading for at least two years and has an office within the UK or the European Union.

Affiliate membership

Affiliate membership of the PPMA is open to companies who operate within the processing and packaging sector, but do not meet the full membership criteria. Affiliate membership will provide closer links to suppliers and end users, as well as increased marketing and networking opportunities.

Next steps

For further details about PPMA membership, please contact Scott McKenna:

Tel: +44 (0)20 8773 5515
Email: Scott McKenna

For membership of UKIVA and/or BARA, please contact:

Tel: +44 (0)20 8773 8111
Email: UKIVA
Email: BARA

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