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View brochureFull membership of the UK Industrial Vision Association and Automate UK is open to companies engaged in the manufacture or supply of machinery and equipment and who can satisfy the conditions of entry. These have been set by the Association to help ensure that membership carries with it a guarantee of commitment to service and quality. The minimum criteria is that the company must have been trading for at least two years and have an office within the UK or the European Union.
Click below to find a complete overview of full membership benefits.
Affiliate membership of the UK Industrial Vision Association and Automate UK is open to companies who do not meet the full membership criteria. Affiliate membership will provide closer links to suppliers and end users, as well as increased marketing and networking opportunities.
Click below to find a complete overview of affiliate membership benefits.
If you require more details, or to obtain a membership application form, please contact us at:
Tel: +44 (0)20 8773 8111