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Date: 2 November 2020
Time: 15:00PM (BST)
Coping with Covid-impact Six Months On: What’s next for the Vision Industry?
Following on from Imaging and Machine Vision Europe’s (IMVE) panel discussion in April 2020, the publisher has invited back the same industry experts, most notably UKIVA Chairman – Allan Anderson, to review how the machine vision industry has been coping with the impact of Covid-19?
The webinar, which is FREE to register, will discuss the latest market statistics from the UK, Germany and the USA; talk about the events landscape and how companies are doing business in the absence of face-to-face contact; and look at the ongoing challenges and opportunities ahead.
Moderator: Warren Clark, Publisher, Imaging and Machine Vision Europe
It will be another topical and interactive panel discussion, which welcomes registrants’ comments and questions in advance of or during the webinar.
To register for the webinar (2 November 2020), click here.
To submit your question(s) to the moderator prior to the webinar, please email: